Be aware of new regulations concerning wells for Irrigation, eagle Idaho.

Look out and be very careful when trying to irrigate from a well in north ada county, Eagle,Idaho. Star, Idaho, or Middleton, Idaho area. Basically anywhere in the boise river area, or basin 63.

There are rules that are now being strictly enforced by IDWR [Idaho department of water resources.]

You must have a well that is deeper than 200 ft, and it must have a ” deep seal, or an adequate confining layer.” if you have an older well, with an established water right, you will probably be ok for the time being. BUT, if you have or are drilling a newer or new well, and are irrigating under a permit that still needs to show beneficial use to turn it into a permanent water right , you absolutely need to double check with IDWR and make sure you have a permit to drill an irrigation well, not just a domestic well.  And find out if you are in the areas that require a “Natural or man made confining layer, or a deep seal.” If you are selling a property be careful not to make claims that you can irrigate out of your well if you don’t meet the proper criteria. The purpose of this rule is to assure the Boise river water users that you are not taking water out of their allotted water right. The deep seal or confining layer ensures that you won’t be pulling water from anywhere above the 200 ft level.

Water law is one of the most contentious and oldest laws in Idaho. If you want to get into a huge fight, just mess with someone’s water right and see what happens. It won’t be pretty. In the old west days in Idaho, the joke was you would have been better off to steal someones wife, rather than their water.

We are now seeing lawsuits and many people are being required to drill a 2nd well that does meet the proper criteria. This can cost tens of thousands of Dollars. This is no joke. It can pay you huge dividends and save you thousands, and it is an easy thing to check up on.  

There is nothing more disappointing than finding out your well cannot be used to water the pasture on the property you just bought to keep your Horses on. Ouch. 

If you need help, just contact someone like me who has first hand experience with these issues, or contact IDWR,. The main thing is ask for some help. Be sure, not sorry. Happy Trails, Pat Thacker.